The website of solvachem sp. z o.o., accessible at www.solvachem.pl (the Website), has been developed to provide internet users (Users) with information about solvachem sp. z o.o., including details about the company, its activities, products, and contact details. The website www.solvachem.pl is the exclusive property of solvachem sp. z o.o.
The conditions for using the Website are specified in these Terms of Use. Please read the Terms carefully. Using the Website constitutes acceptance of these Terms.
Solvachem sp. z o.o. may modify these Terms at any time without notifying Users and may discontinue the availability of the Website at any time without prior notice.
All content on the Website, including trademarks, texts, graphics, and the presentation format of the content, constitutes intellectual property protected by law in accordance with the Act of February 4, 1994, on Copyright and Related Rights.
Users may use the Website’s resources only within the scope defined in these Terms and exclusively for personal use. Reproducing and publicly distributing the Website in whole or in part, as well as reproducing and distributing documents, images, applications, and other resources available on the Website, constitutes a violation of the law.
All trade names, brand names, trademarks, logos, company marks, as well as graphic materials, photographs, technical documents, databases, and all other intellectual property rights related to the content of the Website, including its layout and organization, the code of the applied software, and other documents available on the Website, are protected by law and constitute the property of solvachem sp. z o.o. or other entities and are published solely for informational purposes.
Reproducing, modifying, using, or distributing any of the above-mentioned Website content in any form constitutes a violation of the law. Any use of the Website or its resources for purposes other than personal use requires prior written consent from solvachem sp. z o.o.
The content available on the Website has been compiled or prepared and published by solvachem sp. z o.o. in good faith with a belief in its reliability and credibility. However, solvachem sp. z o.o. provides no expressed or implied warranties or guarantees of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose regarding the information on the Website, including its timeliness, reliability, or completeness. Solvachem sp. z o.o. is not responsible for information on third-party websites linked from the solvachem sp. z o.o. Website.
Using the Website is at the sole risk of the User. Solvachem sp. z o.o. will not, under any circumstances, be liable for any damages, losses, or lost profits incurred by the User or third parties arising from the use or inability to use the Website or from the use or inability to use information contained on the Website, even if solvachem sp. z o.o. was informed about the possibility of such damages. Solvachem sp. z o.o. reserves the right to modify the content of the Website at any time without prior notice.
The website of solvachem sp. z o.o. uses cookies, small, non-invasive data files, particularly text files, compatible with internet browsers, stored in the memory of Users’ devices. These data are used to optimize the content of the Website and are collected for statistical purposes regarding visitor traffic.
By accepting the Website Terms of Use and accessing or using the Website, Users agree to the use of these cookies. If Users do not agree to this, they should leave the Website or disable cookie support in their device’s internet browser. Disabling cookies, however, may limit the Website’s functionality. These data are used solely for statistical purposes by solvachem sp. z o.o. or providers of tools for monitoring activity and traffic on the Website.
Using email addresses, forms, surveys, etc., available on the Website and providing information to solvachem sp. z o.o. through them signifies consent for solvachem sp. z o.o. to use the provided email addresses for correspondence purposes.
Individuals submitting comments, feedback, or suggestions to solvachem sp. z o.o. via the Website acknowledge that this information will be treated as public by solvachem sp. z o.o. and consent to solvachem sp. z o.o. using the content of these comments, feedback, and suggestions without limitation.